Lab Members

Lab Director

Katerina M. Marcoulides, PhD

Profile image Katerina Marcoulides
Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Marcoulides is an Assistant Professor in the Quantitative and Psychometric Methods Program in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota, Twin-Cities . Prior to her arrival at UMN, she was an Assistant Professor in the Research and Evaluation Methodology Program in the College of Education and a member of the Informatics Institute at the University of Florida. She received her B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Education from the University of California, Santa Barbara and her M.A. in Quantitative Psychology from the University of California, Davis. She completed her Ph.D. in Quantitative Psychology from Arizona State University.


My research focuses on the development and application of advanced data mining and modeling approaches, particularly for the analysis of complex longitudinal data. My research interests also include longitudinal data analysis, item response theory, and data fusion techniques, especially as they pertain to developmental processes and educational research. Some of my current research utilizes integrative data analysis/data fusion and parallel analysis methods to allow for the fitting of various longitudinal models that might not otherwise have been possible to fit to a single data set. I have also extended this data fusion approach to the Bayesian framework (Bayesian Synthesis). My substantive interests focus on the application of advanced modeling techniques to the study of developmental processes, with an emphasis on economically disadvantaged immigrant children.


I teach undergraduate and graduate quantitative courses at the University of Minnesota, including Honors Introduction to Psychological Measurement and Data Analysis and Multilevel Modeling for Psychological Data. At the University of Florida I taught graduate courses in Regression Analysis, Data Mining, and Multilevel Modeling. I have taught an Introduction to Educational Data Mining workshop at the Florida Educational Research Association (FERA) annual conference. I have also previously assisted and presented at the APA Advanced Training Institute workshops on Big Data: Exploratory Data Mining in Behavioral Research and Structural Equation Modeling in Longitudinal Research.

Graduate Students
Profile image Raj Wahlquist

Raj Wahlquist

Raj Wahlquist is a first-year Ph.D. student at the University of Minnesota in the Quantitative & Psychometric Methods program. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Iowa State University with minors in theoretical statistics, philosophy, and psychology. His internship and research studies were in the areas of Interrogation and Deception in the Applied Cognition Laboratory at Iowa State under the tutelage of Dr. Meissner.


Profile image Yiu Kin Suen

King Yiu Suen

King Yiu is a fourth-year Ph.D. student in the Quantitative & Psychometric Methods program at the University of Minnesota. He received his Bachelor of Social Science in Psychology with a minor in Statistics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has conducted research related to item response theory, computerized adaptive testing, and structural equation modeling.


Affiliated Graduate Students

  • Jia Quan, Research & Evaluation Methodology, University of Florida
  • Eric Wright, Research & Evaluation Methodology, University of Florida


Undergraduate Students


  • Leif Anderson, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, Psychology Major
  • Sam Lefebvre, Directed Research in Psychology (2019-2020)